Many people would answer yes to both of these questions. But we will make you think twice. We put our signature on everything we have come up with. We even see more and more signature prints covering photographs so that we will not miss who shot it.

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In some way it’s a natural development. With increasing competition, we want to make sure that we get the credit. One reason is that patent and copy rights are two of few ways by which artists can make revenue on their creations. In a world, where essentially everything can be accessed for free online.

As artists, we essentially base our work on ideas. We take abstract ideas and turn them into concrete artwork for the world to see. There is a saying that a person’s art is an external display of his or her inner thoughts. We think this is true to a great extent.

As creators we must consider our perception regarding ownership of our ideas and creations. It may seem easy but there is more to this question than what meets the eye.