Our Arsenal: Paintings

Saeed Qamhawi
Maqamat Art is thrilled to help people everywhere discover, fall in love with, and own one of a kind paintings by some of the most talented emerging artists from around the world.
We guarantee your complete satisfaction with your custom oil painting every step of the way by using the finest paints, the highest quality canvas, the quickest turnaround, and the highest caliber artists. We’ve even set up private studios for our portrait painters, many of whom hold the highest degrees in their field and have exhibits worldwide.

Whether it's a reproduction oil painting or a painted portrait from a photo, you won't be able to tell the difference
We have been tested to not only meet our standards, but yours as well. Paintings reflect the artist’s point of view and an independent voice which speaks a unique message to each beholder

Joan Castejón

Hamza Bounoua

Mohammad Siyam
Our expert oil painting and portrait artists have transformed various types of photos into paintings and recreated worldfamous masterpieces